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Chess Set

Tournament Chess Sets

Tournament Chess Sets

The most common type of chess set used in clubs, tournaments and schools are a standard 3.75″ plastic Staunton set, usually with a roll-up vinyl board. If you have ever visited a chess club or played in a tournament, you have likely seen one of these sets. If you are required to bring your own pieces to a tournament, this is the style of chess pieces you should aim to bring – although some players like to take the opportunity to show off their quality wooden pieces, they run the risk of having their pieces lost or damaged during play. The standard plastic pieces are inexpensive and recognisable to everyone, and it doesn’t matter if they are roughly handled. These sets are also good for studying, as some players may find it helpful to train with the same kinds of pieces that they will use in competition, for quicker pattern recognition.

When buying plastic pieces, as with other types, check that they are weighted, as cheap unweighted pieces can be very light and prone to tipping. Boards tend to come in a roll-up or folding variety, which both have their pros and cons. Roll up boards can be difficult to flatten and remove creases from, but are more resilient to wear and tear, while many a club has half a folding board in the back of their supply cupboard, as time and wear can result in the two halves coming apart.