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Join SUITS Clubs

SUITS International Education is proud to offer a diverse range of clubs for students who are interested in exploring new topics and engaging with like-minded peers. Our clubs are designed to cater to a variety of interests and preferences, with a focus on promoting personal growth and social engagement.

Participating in one of our clubs is an excellent way to meet new people, develop new skills, and broaden your horizons. We are committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students, regardless of their background or abilities. We invite all students to join one of our clubs and become part of our vibrant and diverse community.

SUITS Clubs Booking Form
Enroll your children in SUITS clubsThis session is available for booking for individuals aged between 6 and 18 years old only
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SUITS ClubsPlease find the Clubs that best suits your needs

At SUITS International Education, our clubs are more than just extracurricular activities. They are gateways to new experiences, friendships, and personal growth. Whether you are interested in exploring the art of calligraphy, testing your strategic skills in board games, or immersing yourself in Chinese language and culture, our clubs offer something for everyone.Our clubs are a platform for students to engage with like-minded individuals, develop new skills, and challenge themselves in a fun and supportive environment. They provide opportunities for personal and social growth, and the chance to broaden your horizons and embrace new perspectives.
Weiqi/Go Club£60 / Quater
Gomoku/Wiziqi Club£60 / Quater
Calligraphy Club£60 / Quater
International Chess Club£60 / Quater
Chinese Chess Club£60 / Quater
Chinese Reading Club£60 / Quater
SUITS Sinology Club£60 / Quater

Join Us Now

Please select the Club that best suits your needs

Frequently Asked Questions about SUITS Clubs

What is the difference between SUITS Class and SUITS Club?

SUITS International Education recognizes that cultural education involves not only structured academic learning but also extracurricular cultural activities that foster cultural exchange and appreciation. This comprehensive approach to cultural education ensures that students gain a holistic understanding of cultural subject matter while also developing a sense of community and appreciation for diverse perspectives.

SUITS Classes are designed to provide students with a deep understanding of cultural subjects such as language, history, or art. These classes follow a structured curriculum that includes lectures, assignments, and assessments, and they are taught by qualified instructors who are experts in their fields. By providing students with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of cultural subject matter, SUITS Classes enable students to acquire the knowledge and skills that are necessary for personal and academic growth.

SUITS Clubs, on the other hand, offer students opportunities to engage in extracurricular cultural activities that are centered around specific cultural interests or hobbies. These clubs are usually led by students and supported by SUITS International Education staff, and they provide a platform for students to connect with like-minded individuals who share their cultural passions. Clubs may involve activities such as cooking, calligraphy, dance, or language exchange, and they provide opportunities for students to develop new skills, challenge themselves, and form lasting friendships.

The combination of SUITS Classes and SUITS Clubs allows students to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of cultural subjects, while also providing a platform for personal and social growth through community-building and cultural exchange. In addition, SUITS International Education understands that students learn in different ways and that not all students are interested in structured academic learning. For this reason, SUITS Clubs offer a more relaxed and social environment for students to engage with cultural subjects.

Why students should choose SUITS Club?

Firstly, joining a SUITS Club provides students with an opportunity to develop new skills and interests. By engaging in cultural activities such as board games, calligraphy, reading, or language, and sinology, students can learn new skills that they may not have had the opportunity to develop through their academic studies. This can lead to a sense of personal fulfillment and can broaden students’ horizons by exposing them to new and diverse perspectives.

Secondly, SUITS Clubs provide a supportive and collaborative environment for students to engage with like-minded individuals who share their cultural passions. By building relationships with peers who share their interests, students can develop a sense of belonging and community, which is essential for personal growth and well-being. Clubs provide a platform for students to interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds and to form lasting friendships based on shared interests.

Thirdly, SUITS Clubs offer opportunities for students to develop leadership skills and take ownership of their cultural learning experiences. By leading a club or taking an active role in its management, students can develop leadership skills and gain valuable experience in event planning, marketing, and communication. This can help to build students’ confidence and provide them with skills that are highly valued by employers.

Finally, joining a SUITS Club is a fun and enjoyable way to explore cultural interests and challenge oneself in a supportive environment. Clubs provide a break from academic studies and offer a chance to engage in activities that are both intellectually stimulating and socially fulfilling.

Could you provide an overview of the operational process utilized by the SUITS Club?

At SUITS International Education, we understand the importance of cultural education and the value of extracurricular activities for personal growth and development. That’s why we offer a range of SUITS Clubs that provide students with opportunities to engage in fun and stimulating cultural activities, without the pressure of academic learning.

Our SUITS Clubs are led by students and supported by our experienced staff, who provide guidance and resources to ensure that the clubs are well-organized and enjoyable for all members. Unlike our SUITS Classes, there is no formal teaching involved in our clubs and no learning materials are given. Instead, our clubs are designed to be completely stress-free and focus on providing students with opportunities to develop leadership and team-building skills, participate in personal and group competitions, and engage in personal progress recording and group challenges.

Our clubs offer a wide range of fun activities, including cultural performances, language exchange sessions, cooking workshops, art and craft sessions, and much more. Students are encouraged to take ownership of their club experiences and to participate in planning and organizing club activities, allowing them to develop leadership and communication skills that are highly valued by employers.

In addition to the fun and social aspects of our clubs, we also place a strong emphasis on personal and group development. Our clubs offer opportunities for personal progress recording, where students can track their own progress and set personal goals to challenge themselves. We also organize group challenges and competitions that encourage teamwork and collaboration and offer opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills.

With our exciting range of activities, supportive community, and opportunities for personal growth and development, joining a SUITS Club is a decision you won’t regret.

What can SUITS Calligraphy Club offer?

The SUITS Calligraphy Club is a place where students can immerse themselves in the beautiful and artistic world of calligraphy. Calligraphy is a highly valued art form in many cultures around the world, and this club offers an opportunity for students to explore its rich history and diverse techniques.

In the SUITS Calligraphy Club, students can expect to learn the basics of calligraphy and explore different writing styles and scripts. They will have access to a range of calligraphy materials, including traditional ink, brushes, and paper, and can practice their skills in a supportive and creative environment.

The club also offers opportunities for personal and group development, with activities such as personal progress recording and calligraphy competitions. Students can track their own progress and set personal goals, while also competing with their peers to develop their skills and techniques.

Moreover, the SUITS Calligraphy Club is a place where students can connect with like-minded individuals who share their passion for calligraphy. Through this community, students can share ideas, provide feedback, and support each other in their artistic pursuits.

What can SUITS Weiqi / Go Club offer?

The SUITS Weiqi/Go Club is a perfect destination for those interested in the ancient game of Weiqi, also known as Go. This club offers students a fun and supportive environment where they can learn and develop their Weiqi skills while making new friends who share their interests in the game.

At the SUITS Weiqi/Go Club, students can practice the basic rules and strategies of the game, and advance their skills to become better players. The club is open to all skill levels, from beginners to advanced players, and provides a platform for students to engage in friendly competition and group activities centered around Weiqi. Students can also participate in personal progress tracking and group challenges to further enhance their skills and achieve personal goals.

The game of Weiqi is a perfect exercise for the mind, requiring high levels of concentration, patience, and strategic thinking. Through Weiqi gameplay, students can develop valuable skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and strategic planning. These skills can be applied in many areas of life and are essential to personal and academic growth.

In addition to gameplay, the SUITS Weiqi/Go Club also offers leadership and team-building activities that provide opportunities for students to develop their leadership and teamwork skills while having fun. These activities promote personal growth, challenge, and an inclusive community where students can feel supported and valued.

What can the SUITS Chinese Reading Club offer?

The Chinese Reading Club offered by SUITS International Education provides students with an immersive and enriching experience to explore Chinese literature and language. The club is a platform for students who are interested in improving their Chinese reading, comprehension, vocabulary, and writing skills while exploring Chinese culture and history.

One of the main features of the Chinese Reading Club is its extensive collection of Chinese literature. The club provides access to a wide range of literary works, including classic and contemporary novels, short stories, poetry, and more. The club also offers Chinese Graded Reading materials, which are designed to help students improve their reading skills at their own pace. These materials are organized into different levels based on the difficulty of the reading content, allowing students to choose the appropriate level that matches their reading ability.

In addition to improving language skills, the Chinese Reading Club offers a host of other benefits. By discussing and analyzing literary works with other students, participants can develop critical thinking and analytical skills. They also have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and history through the stories they read and discuss.

The Chinese Reading Club is led by experienced instructors who are passionate about Chinese literature and language. The instructors provide guidance and support to students as they explore new literary works, and they are available to answer questions and provide feedback on written assignments. They also help students practice their language skills by providing them with writing prompts and exercises that are tailored to their level.

What can the SUITS Chinese Sinology Club offer?

The SUITS Sinology Club is dedicated to providing students with an in-depth understanding of traditional Chinese literature and culture. Through the study of classical Chinese texts, students are able to explore the richness and complexity of Chinese history, philosophy, and literature, and develop a deeper appreciation for the cultural heritage of China.

The club offers a range of activities and resources to support students in their exploration of traditional Chinese literature. One of the main focuses of the club is the reading and analysis of classical Chinese texts, including poetry, prose, and historical documents. Through close reading and discussion, students are able to delve into the meaning and significance of these texts and gain insight into the cultural, social, and political context in which they were written.

In addition to reading and analysis, the club also offers opportunities for students to engage with Chinese cultural practices and traditions. These activities may include calligraphy, tea ceremonies, and other traditional arts and crafts. By participating in these activities, students can deepen their understanding of Chinese culture and history, and develop a greater appreciation for the artistry and craftsmanship that goes into these practices.

The SUITS Sinology Club also provides resources and support for students who are interested in learning the classical Chinese language. Through the study of classical Chinese grammar and vocabulary, students can enhance their ability to read and understand traditional Chinese texts and gain a deeper appreciation for the nuances of the language and the texts themselves.